All India Council of Associations

What is AICA?

All India Council of Associations (AICA) is a movement of MSME Associations and Chambers of Commerce across India to effectively represent to Government on common issues. MSME's contribute 30% of the GDP of the country and 40% of the population of the country are dependant on MSME's for their livelihood.

Why would AICA be relevant?

MSME companies across the country are facing various problems including Rising Raw Material costs, Financial Crunch due to covid lock down, lack of man power due return of migrant labours.

All associations are taking representing to the Central and State governments on these issues with little success. Through the movement AICA represent these issues with the government in a single united voice

What next for AICA?

The first burning issue taken up by AICA is the “Spiralling Cost of Raw Materials” which is threating the sustenance of the MSME's of the country. It is felt that the raise in the prices of raw materials is not propotional to the increase in their manufacturing costs, which is evident from the fact that declared profit of corporates manufacturering these base raw materials particularly iron and steel have by more than 100%. The corporates have also declared that they will be debt free in the next few months, where as the MSME's of the country will be heavily in debt and susteance will be a big question mark.

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9:00 - 18:00